Beat the heat with hydration IVs

As the summer sun beats down and the days get hotter, staying hydrated is key when maintaining your overall health and well-being. While drinking water is the most common way to stay hydrated – and very important at that, sometimes our bodies need some extra help. That’s where hydration infusion therapy comes into play, as a quick and effective way to replenish fluids and essential nutrients. At Pro Health, we like to say that optimal health begins with hydration – and reaching those levels is easy to do with our hydration IV therapy. But, what exactly is it and what are the benefits? Keep reading!

What is hydration IV therapy?

Hydration therapy involves the administration of fluids, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous line. This method allows for quick absorption and bypasses the digestive system, making this an efficient way to rehydrate the body. There are a ton of great benefits to this method – the most obvious being that it can help combat dehydration, fatigue and heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Let’s take a quick look at some more!

Quick and effective results

One of the greatest benefits of hydration IVs is that it provides quick and effective results. While drinking water is important for staying hydrated, it can take time for the body to absorb and utilize the fluids. With the help of IV therapy, the fluids and nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream, providing almost immediate hydration and replenishment. This is especially beneficial for those who are dehydrated or unable to take fluids orally.

Replenish essential nutrients

Along with hydration, IV therapy can also help to replenish essential nutrients that may be lost through sweating during hot weather or physical activity. Electrolytes like sodium, potassium and magnesium are critical when maintaining proper fluid balance and muscle function. IV therapy will provide these electrolytes in the right balance to help prevent muscle cramps, fatigue and other symptoms of dehydration.


Another benefit of this type of hydration is that it can be customized to meet patients’ needs. Whether you need a simple solution for basic hydration or a complex cocktail of vitamins and minerals for an extra boost, IV therapy can be tailored to fit your specific goals or concerns. At Pro Health, we offer a full range of drips that target needs such as hydration, immune health, energy enhancement and much more.

Pure Hydration at Pro Health

If you are finding yourself needing an extra boost of hydration this summer, try the Pure Hydration IV. This treatment is similar to what you can receive at a hospital when administered an IV – infused with essential minerals and electrolytes (lactated ringer). When you visit us at any of our locations across the state of Tennessee, you will find that you can just walk on in and be seen with little to no wait times. Ready to get hydrated? Come and see us today – we can’t wait to meet you!