The Lowdown on Low-T and the Impact of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Male Health and Wellness

Men’s gonads or testicles produce testosterone, a male hormone that plays a crucial role in men’s masculine attributes and wellness, ranging from facial hair to sex drive.

Some men may experience low levels of testosterone (low-T), which is also called hypogonadism, usually due to aging. However, men in their prime may also experience this condition. Hypogonadism that affects older adults is called late-onset hypogonadism or andropause.

Hypogonadism may be primary, resulting from low testicle production, or secondary from the pituitary gland.

Clinical Symptoms 

The common symptoms associated with hypogonadism include decreasing muscle mass, forgetfulness, anemia, low libido, fewer and shorter erections, mood change, depression, low energy, and fatigue.

However, these symptoms may also arise from other health conditions, which is why an actual serum testosterone test is required to be able to diagnose hypogonadism correctly. Testosterone deficiency’s impact on men’s wellness ranges from physical to psychological health and can affect their quality of life. Men in their prime grappling with low-T symptoms may seek a healthcare specialist’s help to address the issue.

Rising Cases 

Who is prone to hypogonadism? According to statistics, 35% of men over 45 years old have low-T, while the number is 30%-50% for obese men and men with type 2 diabetes.

These numbers may also be due to the increase in the public’s awareness and testing, the aging population, and unhealthy lifestyles among the modern male population.

Aside from age, obesity, or diabetes, low testosterone may also be caused by a variety of factors like diseases of the kidney, liver, or HIV, testicular injury or cancer, pituitary gland problems, the use of drugs like steroids and opioids, or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Reclaiming Vitality Through Testosterone Replacement Therapy 

If you are experiencing some of the symptoms and suspect that you could have testosterone deficiency, consult with a healthcare specialist to run blood work and other tests necessary to confirm if you have the condition. A person diagnosed with low-T may opt to consider testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) as a treatment, a popular method in addressing hormonal decline in men.

What exactly is it?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a medically administered process of supplementing the body with synthetic or bioidentical testosterone to help restore the body’s testosterone to optimal levels.

These may come in the form of transdermal gels, creams, liquids or patches, injections, buccal patches, pellets, intranasal, or oral formulations.

However, not everyone can have TRT to address their low-T. It is not recommended for men who have untreated cardiovascular conditions, sleep apnea, or high red blood cell count.

Benefits and Potential Side Effects

It is essential for those seeking help with low-T to be aware of the promises and pitfalls of the treatment. TRT brings many benefits, including improved energy levels, better heart and blood wellness, enhanced mood, better sexual wellness, improved cognitive function, increased muscle mass and strength, and a better overall sense of well-being.

Like any other medical intervention, TRT may also come with some potential side effects, like breast soreness or swelling, acne, swelling of the feet or ankles, headache, a rise of red blood cells, bruising, and reduced testicle size, among others. However, further studies are still needed to explore TRT’s benefits and side effects.

Reports of improved symptoms among patients have made TRT the medical treatment choice of affected men seeking to improve their quality of life.

If you are interested in this treatment, our Pro Health Clinic specialists will help you navigate your low-T issue by properly evaluating your health profile and the TRT method that’s right for you. Contact us today for a consultation.